Seven C's Of Bussiness Communication

1) Correctness





6) Consideration

7) Courtesy

Correctness: It refer to the Spelling,Punctuation,and Grammer etc,But In Bussiness Communication is extra than that

a) Use the correct stage of language

(b)Include solely accurate information and figures.

 (c)Maintain acceptable writing mechanics

two (a) Use the Correct Level of Language:

There are usually three ranges of language that is formal, casual and sub-standard.

Informal degree of language is the language of commercial enterprise letters, memos and reports. Formal

language is used for writing research papers and felony documents etc. Sub-standard degree of

language is no longer used in any type of verbal exchange due to the fact it both refers to the street

language or unacceptable language.

Example: two  two  two  two  two   False : two two two   Ali is in washroom

two True two :   two two  Ali is in washroom? two two  two  two use of punctuation

It refer to compressed large records into quick form
(a) Omitting trite expressions.

(b) Avoid useless repetition.

(c) Include applicable facts.


Wordy: I have your letter of October 14 and wish to say that we will be glad to give

you a refund for shirt you purchased here final week.

Improved: You can avail refund for the shirt you bought last week

Clarity refers to a clear understanding of the message by the receiver.

(a) Choose words that are short, familiar and conversational.

(b) Construct tremendous sentences and paragraphs.

(c) Achieve gorgeous readability.

(d) Include examples, illustrations etc.


The financial institution statement shows an Overdraft of Rs. 10,000.

The bank announcement shows an extra withdrawal of Rs. 10,000.

It is no longer imperative that all seven C’s may want to be applied to all kinds of enterprise messages. The ‘C’ of

completeness ought to be kept in idea mainly giving replies to inquiries and writing adjustment

letter. Following factors are viewed for the ‘C’ of completeness.

(a) Answer all questions asked.

(b) Give something extra. When desirable.

(c) Check for five W’s.

Check for 5 W’s:

Five W’s to Who, What, When, Where and Why. For example to order merchandise, we

should make clear What we want, When we want it, Where it is to be sent, How the

payment will be needed.

Concreteness adds conviction to the message. It is handy for the reader to agree with on concrete messages. Concreteness also increases credibility of the sender of message. Following points have to be regarded for reaching concreteness.

(a) Use precise facts and figures.

b) Put action in the verb.

(c) Choose vivid picture building words.


Noun: They held assembly in the office.

Verb: They met in the office.

Example: This is a very desirable computer.

The P-IV 800 MHz, 20GB HD, 64MB RAM, 500 MB CACHE, Intel actual processor, in

ATX casing is a laptop of new millennium.

Consideration refers to giving significance to the other man or woman whether he is a reader audience, spectator or listener. For reaching consideration following points are considered.

(a) You attitude

(b) Show readers interest

(c) Apply integrity in the message

(d) Emphasize the positive


I - Attitude: We permit 5% cut price on Cash Payment.

You - Attitude: You can enjoy 5% discount on Cash Payment.

Surviving in today’s enterprise world requires courtesy on the phase of producer or seller. A

discourteous producer or carrier issuer can't prevail in the buyer’s market. That is why

famous slogan of ‘Customer is constantly right’ invented. To obtain courtesy following points should

be considered.

(a) Be tactful.

(b) Omit expressions that can irritate.

(c) Answer/mail promptly.

(d) Grant and apologize.

Be Tactful:

Tact capacity dealing with consumer with a proper technique. Otherwise, if customers are not

handled properly, business may also suffer.


Tactless: Your letter is not whole I can't recognize it.

Tactful: If I apprehend your letter correctly, you favor to say that…….

(b) Omit Expressions that Can Irritate:

Irritating expressions are disliked by all and clients are no longer any exception.


(i) You have failed

(ii) You have no choice

(iii)You neglect

(iv) You declare that


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