3) Characterstic Of Communication
4) Form Of Communication
5) Effective Communication
6) Barriers In Communication
7) Different Between Technical and Bussiness Skills
8) Inside Outside Communication
9) Non Verbal Communication
10) How Effect Communication
Communication :
The Process Of Sending or receiving the Information between two or more people is called Communication .The person who send the Information is Called Sender.The Person who received the Information Is called Receiver
Process Of Communication
Sender: Incoder who send the message.
Receiver:Decoder who received the message.
Messages: Any Communication.
Channel Or Medium: Through with menage convey.
Feedback: Either received the message.
Noise:- Barrier Of Communication.
Characteristics Of Communication
1) It is listening to others.
2) Expressing to others.
3)it Involve information sharing.
4) It is Irreversible Process.
5) It is Verbal Or Non Verbal.
6)Its elements are sender,receiver,Channel, Feedback,Noise.
Function Of Communication
1) To Change In Behaviour.
2) Control and motivate People
3)To Inform.
4)To Educate
5) To make order.
6)Get Direction
Communication Effective
1) Clarity Of Purposes,carefull, Planning, Why,who,whom,where,what.
2)Share activity directly or indirectly share common word /messages.
3) Common set of Symbol Familiar sender or Receiver.
4) Focus On need of receiver, Value to Receive
5) Active Distening
6) Controlling Emotion ,Interpersonal Relation with Subordinate, and Supervisor
7)Politeness Good Language
8) Complete fact and figure ,all complete
9) Consiousness all Un necessary Detail Avoid
10_ You Attitude ,invole other in participation
11) Persuade send idea to Reader
12) Positive language ,know to receiver
13) Provide Feedback
14) Respect attitude with others
15)Summary what has to be said
16) Assign Questions
Barrier to Communication
1) Physiological Barrier: Poor health,ill,eyesight weak,discomfort
2) physical Barrier: office of door is not comfort,screen working area
3)Culture Barrier: Attachment not good with others
4) Dangerous Barrier: not familiar with Language
5) Interpersonal Barrier:
6) Emotional Barrier: Conflict
7)Expressional StreoTyping,Nagative Attitude
8) Noise
Form Of Communicatioln
1) Verbal Communiaction: Using Speech,Face to Face Conversation,Vocal catagrorize,Spoken Language
2) Non Verbal Communication: Body Language ,Posture,Gesture,Apperance,eye Contact,Presentation,Orientation