How to Complete sentence Using Vocabulary
When You will Solve The Sentence If You See the some Words That Is Clue
Of the Sentence,This Clue Help you While Solveing The Sentence Using Vocabulary
So lets Start
We have Two Types Of Condition In Sentence
1) Opposite Flag
2) Synonyms Flag
1) Opposite Flag
If these Words In sentence Then It is Called Opposite Flag.
Words ( Althought,Despite,Neverthless,Contray to, Rather than,
However, as, and, Semicolon)
"We Solve the Sentence According This Flag, If Opposite Flag Words Coming In Sentence And the

Sense Of the Sentence is Positive , Then we will choose the MCQ That Of Negative Sence"
"If Opposite Flag Words Coming In Sentence And the Sense Of the Sentence Is Negative ,Then we choose the MCQ that of Positive Sence "
For Example :
I fail to understand why there is such a ...................atmosphere ; we have a battle,not a war.
a) Funereal
b) Blatant
c) Giddy
d) Sanguine
e) Haughty
In The Above Example a sentence Contain Opposite Flag Word "SemiColon ; " That is Red Colour HighLighted
Now This Sentence Contain semicolon Which Is Opposite Flag, After Reading The Sentence We came to know the sense of this sentence is Positive Now we Choose Te Word That is Negetive In Meaning , In Above all 5 Choices are Given,Last Four Choices meaning In Positive Sense Which
Is absolutely Wrong, That's Why Answer a) is true
2) Synonyms Flag
If these Words In sentence Then It is Called Synonyms Flag.
Words ( Because, For , For Instead )
"If Synonyms Flag Words Coming In Sentence And the
Sense Of the Sentence is Positive , Then we will choose the MCQ That Of Positive Sence"
"If Synonyms Flag Words Coming In Sentence And the Sense Of the Sentence Is Negative ,Then we choose the MCQ that of Negative Sence "
For Example :
I can recommend him for this Postion because I have always found him ..................... and reliable.
a) Voracious
b) Veracious
c) Vindictive
d) Valorous
e) Menedacious
In The Above Example a sentence Contain Synonyms Flag Word "For" That is Red Colour HighLighted
Now This Sentence Contain "For" Which Is Opposite Flag, After Reading The Sentence We came to know the sense of this sentence is Positive Now we Choose Te Word That is Positive In Meaning , In Above, all 5 Choices are Given,First and Last Three Choices meaning In Negative Sense Which
Is absolutely Wrong, That's Why Answer B is true
Negative Words Started Always With A,an,Im,Dis,Anti,Non,Mal